Dairy Waste Water Treatment Plants & Recycling Plants

Dairy Industry is enlisted as one of the top most industries among the entire industries food arena. Apart from high consumption of water in multiple milk products like cheese, curd, butter, yogurt, dry milk powder; dairy industry further involves in some other processes like sanitary, cooling of milk products, cleaning and washing of the processing equipments. During the making and process of these products a large amount of water is used. But the problem with this water is its reuse and toxicity as it cannot be used again as it is. Dairy wastewater treatment is a big issue as dairy wastewater releases a high amount of Chemical Oxygen Demand, inorganic and organic particles, Biological Oxygen Demand and nutrients. Such contaminated water if not handled appropriately, it pollutes water bodies and largely affects our ecosystem and biodiversity. Dairy Industries play important role in the water pollution and the quality of the water. Thus, Suitable treatments for wastewater are required to use effective disposal methods as the large amount of the water is used during the dairy processing and making of milk related products and this large amount of water is not longer useful as it has very high amount of the contaminants which make it non-recyclable.


Typical Clarifier out of enameled tank for Dairy Industry


Typical Bioreactor out of enameled tank for Dairy Industry

There are various methods to treat this wastewater and it can be utilized again by removing the toxicity of the water like electro coagulation process, phytoremediation process, water hyacinth process, aerobic & anaerobic processes, cross flow UF system and reverse osmosis phenomenon & by some electrochemical processes.

We as GLANCO RECOVER & RECYCLE are desigining designing Cross flow UF systems and cross flow RO / NF systems for treating and recycling of waste water from Dairy Factories in the motto of “PUSH THE BUTTON & GO”, as it is ever the most user – friendly technology.


Typical Cross flow Ultrafiltration system designed for dairy waste water treatment.